FinTech & AI
FinTech & AI致力於將先進的人工智慧(AI)技術與金融教育相結合,以提供更加智能化、個性化的學習體驗。本項目以銘文安全密鑰技術為核心,保障數據安全和隱私,為用戶提供安全可靠的學習環境。
FinTech & AI的銘文過程
在FinTech & AI中,打銘文的過程相對簡單。用戶首先需要在FinTech & AI的平臺上創建一個帳戶,並確保已經擁有足夠的LANE代幣作為gas費。然後,用戶可以選擇一個想要打銘文的區塊,並使用專門的工具將資訊編碼為銘文。這些資訊可以是關於金融交易的詳細資訊,如交易量、交易時間、金融類型等,也可以是其他與金融相關的資訊。一旦資訊被編碼為銘文,它將被嵌入到指定的區塊中,並被永久記錄在區塊鏈上。




代幣名稱:LANE 代幣總量:4.5 億枚
FinTech & AI團隊由一群熱衷於金融科技和人工智慧的專家組成。我們深知金融行業正在經歷前所未有的變革,而科技正是推動這一變革的關鍵力量。我們的使命是利用先進的技術,為金融行業提供更高效、更安全的服務。
Burton Wilde:CEO
Suresh Vittal:CTO
Edward Schuchardt:COO
© 2023 FinTech & AI. All rights reserved.
FinTech & AI
The FinTech & AI project is committed to combining advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology with financial education to provide a more intelligent and personalized learning experience. This project takes the inscription security key technology as the core, guarantees the data security and privacy, and provides users with a safe and reliable learning environment.
FinTech & AI inscription process
In FinTech & AI, the process of making inscriptions is relatively simple. Users first need to create an account on FinTech & AI's platform and make sure they already have enough LANE tokens as gas fees. The user can then select a block that wants to inscription and encode the information as inscriptions using specialized tools. This information can be detailed information about financial transactions, such as trading volume, trading time, financial type, etc., or other financial-related information. Once the information is coded as an inscription, it will be embedded in the specified block and permanently recorded on the blockchain.
Management and application of security keys
Key generation and storage: Smart contracts use encryption algorithms to automatically generate keys on the blockchain and store them securely in the internal state of the smart contract. Due to the immutable nature of smart contracts, these keys cannot be modified or deleted once they are generated, thus ensuring the security of the keys.
Key use and access control: Smart contracts programmatically control the use and access of the keys. Only authorized users can access and use the corresponding key for encryption or decryption operations. Conditional statements in smart contracts can be used to implement access control logic, ensuring that only users with specific conditions can perform sensitive operations.
Key Rotation and Update: To improve security, smart contracts can automatically rotate or update keys regularly or under preset conditions. The new keys can be generated in the internal state of the smart contract and replace the old keys. This automated key rotation mechanism can reduce the risk of keys being cracked and improve the security of the system.
Token name: LANE Total tokens: 450 million
Liquidity: 15.25%
Treasury: 17.8%
Marketing: 10.17%
Operations team: 32.2%
Our core team
The FinTech & AI team is composed of a group of experts keen on fintech and artificial intelligence. We know that the financial industry is undergoing unprecedented changes, and that technology is the key force driving this change. Our mission is to leverage advanced technology to provide more efficient and secure services to the financial industry.
Burton Wilde:CEO
Suresh Vittal:CTO
Edward Schuchardt:COO
our partners
© 2023 FinTech & AI. All rights reserved.